Monday Eats

This post is about how I eat intuitively, how I listen to my body and a look into my normal, unfiltered life.

Monday kicked off with a few less than desirable events. Nevertheless, I was optimistic.  

Home Frothed Coffee with Turmeric

8am coffee plans with a friend in Surry Hills, didn't go as planned (my mistake, I  completely missed her rain check text).

I decided to take myself out for a breakfast only for more unfortunate events to prevail.

So unfortunate, the almond milk in my cappuccino was off (sour). Even my replacement mug was no better.  Neither did my rice flour, blueberry muffin taste as good as it looked in the glass display. 

I called it 'coffee defeat' and took myself home to whip up what I know and love: 

Turmeric Home Brew Coffee

  • 1 coffee shot

  • Ground turmeric, just a shake

  • 1/2 teaspoon of butter

  • Almond milk, frothed


Why add turmeric, I just simply love the earthy taste and colour. Of course, turmeric is anti-inflammatory too. 

I worked for an hour then started to feel a little hungry. To fulfill my near blueberry muffin breakfast, I instead toasted a slice of Spring Wholefoods banana bread and slattered a layer of ricotta over the top and took myself out to the balcony to reset and little and catch some rays of morning sunlight.


Leftover Fish Lunch
Mug Cake & Tea

A fish lunch featuring leftover trout from dinner the night before. I felt like something fresh so I banged some sweet potato and parsnip (cut long ways) into the oven with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper to roast. I added spinach leaves, kimichi, and need-to-be-used haloumi - one of my finer fridge dives. 

I was still a little hungry and wanted something chocolatey. I was inspired by remains of almond butter in the bottom of my jar and decided to mixed a little almond meal, almond blend butter left in a jar. I added a little almond meal, cacao powder, egg, honey, splash of milk, salt and mixed until the batter was smooth and tasted right. I microwaved for 30 seconds and dolloped some ricotta on top.

Around the block

Around 3 pm I could feel my body starting to shout for some movement so I finished up what I was doing and took a 20 min walk-jog around the block. Reflecting back, this break is such a great aligner and puts perspective in my day. Perspective to sometimes stop hyperfocusing on my work tasks or stressing and taking a look at the bigger picture.


Dinner - fish again. 

No biggie. I had white fish in the fridge that also needed using, and I needed something quick or fussy. The fish was wrapped in baking paper with a dollop of ghee, coriander, finely chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. In one big oven dish, I also lay the asparagus, and parsnip alongside the parcel of fish, drizzled the veggies with olive oil, salt, and pepper in a similar way I did lunch. I served up a quick salsa of avo, tomatoes, green onion, lime juice salt and pepper. Dinner was quick 10 mins prep, 10 mins cooking time. 

Taking things a little slower now. 

After a double kinesiology and coaching sessions last week I've been feeling greatly self-aware around the "yang" and masculine energy I've been carrying while managing my own business. I've been practicing take things a little slower and shape my days with less push.